Personal Brand Reimagining

Branding/Identity project for myself as a designer

Ever since college I’ve loved branding projects. I haven’t had many opportunities to craft full identity systems since then, so every few years I do like to reimagine my own personal branding. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who I am as a person, who I am as a designer, and where I want to push myself going forward, and I hope I’ve managed to reflect that in this new identity system.


For this new identity system I really wanted to create something that was personal and that reflected parts of who I am and. I had a good idea of the elements I wanted to include, but I kept myself open during the brainstorming process for new ideas to organically happen. I put together a moodboard of images, colors, and styles I was drawn to and I think this really helped me to focus.

Once I had a general aesthetic and a few ideas I pulled out my iPad to do some rough sketches. I love making logo thumbnails, it’s when the new and unexpected ideas show themselves.

I did my sketch using pencil brushes in Procreate, and once I had a concept I really liked I drew a large version. Rather than recreate the shape in Illustrator using the pen, I did an Image Trace to maintain the hand-drawn feeling since it felt more personal to me. I did some clean-up and made some adjustments to the file but nothing too extensive since I really didn’t want it to be perfectly smooth.

The Elements

my initials

a standard place to start, but even though I sometimes have a difficult relationship with my name my initials have always been the same: cl

ace of wands

in tarot,
the ace of wands card symbolizes inspiration, creative spark, new initiative, new passion, enthusiasm, and energy


the night sky has always been one of my favorite things; I see stars as bright, beautiful, and constant things that add a sparkle to everything around them


the new moon brings us the energy of a fresh start and a chance to set new personal goals, while the full moon can help bring energy to a head



a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . ? ! /

Work Sans

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . ? ! /

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